N. Bouayad-Agha, G. Casamayor, S. Mille, M. Rospocher, H. Saggion,L. Serafini, L. Wanner, 2012 "From Ontology to NL: Generation of Multilingual User-Oriented Environmental Reports", in NLDB2012, Springer, vol. 7337, 2012, pp. 216 - 221 (Natural Language Processing and Information Systems - 17th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands) June 26-28
N. Bouayad-Agha, G. Casamayor, S. Mille, M. Rospocher, L. Serafini, J. Moßgraber, L. Wanner, 2012 "Generation of Multilingual Personalized Environmental Bulletins from an OWL-based Ontology", 2012 (The 26th International Conference on Enviromental Informatics (EnviroInfo2012), Dessau, DE) 29.-31.08
J. Moßgraber, M. Rospocher, 2012 "Ontology Management in a Service-oriented Architecture", 2012 (11th International Workshop on Web Semantics and Information Processing (WebS2012), Vienna, Austria ) 03 - 07 September
A. Moumtzidou, V. Epitropou, S. Vrochidis, S. Voth, A. Bassoukos, K. Karatzas, J. Mossgraber, I. Kompatsiaris, A. Karppinen and J. Kukkonen, "Environmental Data Extraction from Multimedia Resources", Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Multimedia analysis for ecological data (MAED 2012), pp. 13-18, November 2, 2012, Nara, Japan.
A. Moumtzidou, S. Vrochidis, S. Tonelli, I. Kompatsiaris and E. Pianta,"Discovery of Environmental Nodes in the Web", in Proceedings of the 5th IRF Conference, Austria, Vienna, July 2-3, 2012.
M.Rospocher, L.Serafini, 2012 "Ontology-centric decision support" (International Workshop on Semantic Technologies meet Recommender Systems & Big Data (SeRSy 2012) [co-located with ISWC2012], Boston, USA) 11/11/2012
M. Rospocher, L. Serafini, 2012 "An Ontological Framework for Decision Support" (2nd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2012), Nara, Japan) Dec 2 - 4, 2012
M. Rospocher, S. Tonelli, L. Serafini, E. Pianta, 2012 "Key-concept Extraction for Ontology Engineering" (18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2012), Galway, Ireland) October 8-12
M.Rospocher, S.Tonelli, L.Serafini, E.Pianta, 2012 "Corpus-based Terminological Evaluation of Ontologies in APPLIED ONTOLOGY" (to appear) Pre-press available at http://iospress.metapress.com/content/3356r67874680284/
S. Vrochidis, H. Bosch, A. Moumtzidou, F. Heimerl, T. Ertl, I. Kompatsiaris,"An Environmental Search Engine based on Interactive Visual Classification", Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Multimedia analysis for ecological data (MAED 2012), pp. 49-52, November 2, 2012, Nara, Japan.
S. Vrochidis, V. Epitropou, A. Bassoukos, S. Voth, K. Karatzas, A. Moumtzidou, J. Mossgraber, I. Kompatsiaris, A. Karppinen, J. Kukkonen,"Extraction of environmental data from on-line environmental information sources", Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Volume 382, pp 361-370, 3rd Intelligent Systems for Quality of Life information Services Workshop (ISQL 2012), September 29, 2012, Halkidiki, Greece.
L. Wanner, M. Rospocher, S. Vrochidis,H. Bosch,N. Bouayad-Agha,U. Bugel,G. Casamayor,T. Ertl,D. Hilbring,A. Karppinen,I. Kompatsiaris,T. Koskentalo,S. Mille,J. Mossgraber,A. Moumtzidou,M. Myllynen,E. Pianta,H. Saggion,L. Serafini,V. Tarvainen,S. Tonelli, 2012 "Personalized Environmental Service Configuration and Delivery Orchestration: The PESCaDO Demonstrator"(The Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012 (ESWC2012), Heraklion, Crete, Greece) May 27-31, 2012
L. Wanner, S. Vrochidis, M. Rospocher, J. Mossgraber, H. Bosch, A. Karppinen, M. Myllynen, S. Tonelli, N. Bouayad-Agha, U. Bugel, G. Casamayor, T. Ert, D. Hilbring, K. Karatzas, I. Kompatsiaris, T. Koskentalo, S. Mille, A. Moumtzidou, E. Pianta, H. Saggion, L. Serafini, V. Tarvainen, 2012 "Personalized environmental service orchestration for quality life improvement", 2012 (The 3rd Intelligent Systems for Quality of Life information Services Workshop (ISQL 2012), Halkidiki, Greece) 27-30 September
B. Bohnet, S. Mille, B. Favre, and L. Wanner. 2011. “StuMaBa: From Deep Representation to Surface”. In Proceedings of the 13th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Surface Realization Challenge (best performing generator in the competition).
B. Bohnet, S. Mille, L. Wanner. 2011. “Statistical Language Generation from Semantic Structures”. Proceedings of the International Dependency Linguistics Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
H. Bosch, D. Thom, and T. Ertl. 2011. “Das Web als personalisierte Entscheidungsplatform – Die PESCaDO Idee“. In Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) – Proceedings of Informatik 2011: Informatik schafft Communities; 41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bonner Köllen Verlag.
A. Burga, S. Mille and L. Wanner. 2011. “Towards Annotation of Communicative Structure in Corpora”. Proceedings of the 5th International Meaning-Text Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
S. Tonelli, M. Rospocher, E. Pianta and L. Serafini. 2011 “Boosting collaborative ontology building with key-concept extraction”, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC 2011), Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, September 19-21, 2011.
S. Tonelli and E. Pianta. 2011. “Matching documents and summaries using key-concepts”, French Text Mining Evaluation Workshop (DEFT2011), Montpellier, France.
S. Vrochidis. 2011. “Analysis and Retrieval of Multimodal Environmental Information for Personalized Decision Support”. Presented at CLEF-2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
L. Wanner, S. Vrochidis, S. Tonelli, J. Mossgraber, H. Bosch, A. Karppinen, M. Myllynen, M. Rospocher, N. Bouayad-Agha, U. Bügel, G. Casamayor, T. Ertl, , I. Kompatsiaris, T. Koskentalo, S. Mille, , A. Moumtzidou, , E. Pianta, H. Saggion, L. Serafini, and V. Tarvainen. 2011. “Building an Environmental Information System for Personalized Content Delivery". Proceedings of the ISESS Conference, Brno, Czech Republic.
B. Bohnet, L. Wanner, S. Mille, and A. Burga. 2010. “Broad Coverage Multilingual Deep Sentence Generation with a Stochastic Multilevel Realizer”. Proceedings of COLING ’10. Beijing, China.
B. Bohnet and L. Wanner. 2010. “Open Source Graph Transducer Interpreter and Grammar Development Environment”. Proceedings of LREC ’10. Malta.
C. Ghidini, M. Rospocher, L. Serafini. 2010. “MoKi: a Wiki-Based Conceptual Modeling Tool”, Proceedings of the EKAW2010 Poster and Demo Track, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), vol. 674, 2010.
C. Ghidini, M. Rospocher, L. Serafini. 2010. “MoKi: a Wiki-Based Conceptual Modeling Tool”, ISWC 2010 Posters & Demonstrations Track: Collected Abstracts, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), vol. 658, 2010, pp. 77-80.
S. Mille and L. Wanner. 2010. “Syntactic Dependencies for Multilingual and Multilevel Corpus Annotation”. Proceedings of LREC ’10. Malta.
E. Pianta and S. Tonelli. 2010. “KX: A flexible system for Keyphrase eXtraction”. In Proceedings of SemEval 2010, pp. 170-173.
L. Wanner, H. Bosch, N. Bouayad-Agha, U. Bügel, G. Casamayor, T. Ertl, A. Karppinen, I. Kompatsiaris, T. Koskentalo, S. Mille, J. Mossgraber, A. Moumtzidou, M. Myllynen, E. Pianta, M. Rospocher, H. Saggion, L. Serafini, V. Tarvainen, S. Tonelli, T. Usländer, and S. Vrochidis. 2010. “Service-Based Infrastructura for User-Oriented Environmental Information Delivery”. Proceedings of the Enviroinfo 2010 Workshop on Environmental Information Systems and Services – Infrastructure and Platforms. Bonn, Germany.